We rely on the generosity of the community to continue our ongoing efforts. All monies donated are spent in the most efficient manner possible. Most funds go towards spaying and neutering of shelter animals and veterinary bills accrued while rescuing and rehabilitating homeless and neglected animals.
All donations are greatly appreciated – everything from money to animal supplies (leashes, collars, food/water bowls, towels, etc.) to foster homes are needed. If you are interested in donating supplies or fostering an animal, please contact us at seminolehumanesociety@petlover.com.
If you are interested in making a monetary donation, we have three ways for you to do so – by mail or online.
- By mail – Please complete this form and send it along with your check to:
Seminole Humane Society
P.O. Box 88
Seminole, OK 74818
(We ask for your contact information so that we can send you a thank you card for your donation. We can also send you a donation receipt. Remember – all donations to the Seminole Humane Society are tax deductible!) - Online – You can donate by clicking on the yellow “Donate” PayPal button. You don’t need a PayPal account to make a one-time donation.
- Online recurring – You can make recurring donations to the Seminole Humane Society using your PayPal account. Don’t have a PayPal account? They’re easy and FREE to set up. Just start by choosing a monthly donation amount in the drop down box (you can also add your name or a loved one’s name to be displayed on our website) then click the “Subscribe” button. PayPal will walk you through the rest!